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Finding a Certificate of High Quality to Enhance Your Career

Created by Don Agaj |

ISO is an independent organization that brings together experts from different fields to develop standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges. The purpose of ISO standards is to set globally accepted requirements and guidelines. These standards aim to support organizations worldwide to ensure that their materials, products, processes and services are suitable for…

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Lead Auditor Tips on Creating an Effective Audit Team

Created by Don Agaj |

According to ISO, auditing is “a systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining objective evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled”. Auditing is a crucially important activity for any organization that is interested in complying with applicable requirements and improving its processes and performance. As such, competent…

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BCMS, business continuity, business continuity management system, ISO, ISO 22301

Careers in Business Continuity - The Importance of Certification

Created by Don Agaj |

Business continuity is defined as the “capability of an organization to continue the delivery of products and services within acceptable time frames at predefined capacity during a disruption”. Such disruptions can include fires, floods, data breaches, pandemics, and so on. During the last few years, largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, business continuity has become a widely discussed topic and…

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Remote Workers Targeted for COVID-Themed Cybersecurity Attacks

Created by Adison Gara |

The global spread of the coronavirus has forced a shift in working arrangements for many organizations. Part of the necessary measures taken by organizations has been the change in the work environment from office-based to remote work.

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Remote work business strategy

Remote Work as a Business Strategy

Created by Don Agaj |

Strategic management or business strategy is the development and implementation of the key objectives set by the organization’s top management. Organizations may formulate various objectives depending on what they aim and plan to achieve in a certain period of time.

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Secure Remote Working Environment

Three Recommendations to a Secure Remote Working Environment

Created by Urim Shuku and Marigona Krasniqi |

Remote work is a working option which allows individuals to work outside the designated office of an organization. There are different options of remote work that are applied by organizations. Depending on the size and operations, organizations may allow remote work to an individual or an entire team.

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Certification Career Growth

Six Reasons Certification boosts Career Growth

Created by Alisa Jashari |

The continuous growth of the ICT sector due to rapid technology advancements has exponentially increased the number of jobs worldwide. Professionals in the ICT sector are highly in demand, both in quality and quantity. For professionals and individuals interested to pursue a career in the industry, it has become crucial to obtain and maintain the necessary knowledge and skills in the workplace.

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GDPR Myths

GDPR Myths

Created by Lirim Bllaca |

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation on protecting personal data of EU citizens within and outside the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA). The regulation covers all aspects of data protection including data processing activities, rights of data subjects, obligations of controllers and processors, security measures, conditions for consent, breach…

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GDPR on Cloud Service Providers

The Application and Impact of GDPR on Cloud Service Providers

Created by Donika Mucolli Pacolli |

A Cloud Service Provider is defined as an organization that offers infrastructure, network services and business applications in the cloud. Organizations and individuals that use cloud services can easily share information and data in the cloud for business and personal purposes. Information and data in the cloud is stored on physical or virtual servers, which reside in the facilities of a cloud…

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Risk Management

The Role of Risk Management and Business Impact Analysis in Business Continuity Management

Created by Alisa Jashari |

Business continuity is defined by the International Standardization Organization (ISO) as the “capability of the organization to continue the delivery of products or services at acceptable predefined levels following a disruptive incident”. Business Continuity Management is the process of creating and maintaining systems that prevent and recover from potential threats risking the vitality of the…

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